Sophie’s Introductory Post

My name is Sophie, I am a participant in the Leeds Wellbeing Web Community Reporters Training Program. I have long-term experience of mental health problems as well as physical health problems. I have been involved in many voluntary roles in trying to improve access to services especially for people from BME backgrounds in Leeds. I have also been involved in Action Learning Sets with Touchstone which aimed to improve communication between different mental health and housing services in the yorkshire region.

Trying to cope with any health condition  whether psychological or physical is very difficult. Over the years I found that the availability of information about services is a big issue for people trying to come to terms with being diagnosed with health conditions especially that most people with mental health conditions like me are usually socially isolated.

I am a regular Facebook and Twitter user and I believe in using web 2.0 to improve general wellbeing as well as improving access to services. I also notice the few people know about available services.

I have been living in Leeds for the last 6 years and I absolutely love it and I consider it home. I enjoy everything about Leeds and would like to enjoy it more through improving my health. When I can I enjoy walking in Meanwood Valley. It is so beautiful and peaceful. It help me relax and makes me feel better

1 thought on “Sophie’s Introductory Post

  1. I’m really excited by the potential of #LWBW and wish all the reporters the best of luck over the next few months.
    I think as well as information, sharing experiences and showing solidarity is also crucial. No matter how empowering they think they are, (mental) health services have a long track record of telling people what, when, where, and how to do things.
    If services are the travel agents, seems to me Web 2.0 provides a chance for the travellers who use their services (or even independent travellers) to share their experiences, and to document the highs and lows of their journeys.


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